Forms In Html

Forms In Html

You may have seen Login pages and registration forms on various websites. And you may have wondered how these forms and pages collect data from users. Forms are used to gather information from users. These collected inputs or information is then used for further processing. Today we will be looking at how these pages are actually made with the magic of html.


<input> - Starting with this input tag is used to create Interactive Controls for web Based Forms. We have input type attribute. With this attribute it provides facilities to input text, password, email, etc. Lets have a look at these input types one by one.

  1. Text

    It is a single line Text field For eg. The name or Username field in any form.

  2. Password

    It is a single line text field whose value is Obscured(Difficult to see or hidden).

  3. Email

    This attribute looks exactly like text input but has validation parameters. It gives an error if it doesn't have a proper email format.


  4. Date

    A control for entering year, month and day. It has value which contains default date(value) min is the minimum date whereas max is the maximum date one can enter.


  5. Month

    Similar to date ;it is a control for entering month and year.

  6. Reset

    A button that resets the contents of the form to default values.

  7. Submit

    This button helps in submitting the form.

  8. Time

    Here we can enter the time.

  9. Color

    This is a control for specifying the color. It has value attribute where we can mention the hexcode of any required color.

  10. Image

    This is a graphical form of submit button .It requires src attribute from which the image is displayed and an alt attribute if somehow the image is not loaded.

  11. Number

    This lets user enter a number .It has min and max attributes for the range of the numbers and also has a value attribute to set any default value if required.

  12. Radio

    Radio button is used to select only single values with a same name attribute. They have small circles which gets highlighted when selected. This button could be used for selecting gender and also while choosing between yes and no option.

  13. File

    Chooses one or more files from the device storage. It has attribute accept and value is a string that defines file types the file input should accept like .doc .txt . When multiple attribute is specified it allows to choose more than one file.There's another attribute called capture whose value is also a string that specifies which camera to use for capture of image or video data.

    Code: <input type="file" name="file" multiple />

  14. Checkbox

    In Checkbox we can select one or multiple options. It appears like a blue tick when checked. We have attribute checked which indicates that by default the checkbox is checked.

  15. Range

    In range here user can specify a number in a given range . So here we can mention a range min and max . This is typically represented by a slider and it has attributes min which is by default zero and max which is by default 100 .It also has attribute step which gives the result in multiple of. For eg if The step value is two the slider runs from 2 to 4 to 6 and so on.

Here we are done with the most used input tags while building any registration or login page.